The WA Salt Group
WA Salt Group comprises of three businesses that work together to ensure the highest quality salt products are produced, packed and distributed to domestic and international customers. Our natural lake salt is used in all our products.
Lake Deborah is located at Koolyanobbing some 500km north east of Perth. Our packing facility is based in North Coogee, Perth.
WA Salt Koolyanobbing
Is responsible for managing Lake Deborah, our unique natural salt lake. We farm our natural salt mineral hand in hand with Mother Nature to produce this pure and pollutant free salt. All this is done so as not to harm the lake and the pristine environment we work in. In 2012 a Salt Harvest Sanctuary was imposed by the Minister for the Department of Mines and Petroleum over Lake Deborah so as to protect the integrity and beauty of this natural resource, also ensuring our salt from this vital natural resource is available to all Western Australians well into the future.
WA Salt Supply
Located at North Coogee, WA Salt Supply has been providing the highest quality salt products for over 70 years. Today with the purest salt being sourced from Lake Deborah the quality of the Pool Salt supplied is assured. This natural Pool Salt is ISO certified which will give the consumer peace of mind when they enjoy a swim with their family. Today WA Salt Supply also provides salt products such as Water Softening Salt, Coarse Grade Salt and much more. Pool Filter Media is also available to complement our Pool Salt range.
Western Salt
Produces a range of food grade salt product at our modern North Coogee facility, which is distributed into both domestic and international markets. Using our 100% natural lake salt, sourced from Lake Deborah, this unique salt enhances the foods and products it is added to. Our salt products are a natural choice for us and we believe it should be a natural choice for our customers.
Western Salt also produces a range of high quality salt products for the Skin and Hide industry and for general industrial users of salt. The same care and attention to quality is used to make our industrial salt as is employed to make our food grade salt. This gives our customers peace of mind when using our salt products.